Thursday, May 3, 2012

New Additions to the Garden

Belle and I planned several things we hoped to finish before the time came to plant tomatoes. It's time now. We didn't get everything finished, but we did get a couple projects done recently.

There was that mess of asparagus plants we grew from seed without any plan about where to put them. Does this ever happen to you? You grow something from seed without a plan and viola, instead of planning your garden space for plants your plants plan your garden space for you? In this case 30 asparagus plants under lights in the basement were demanding space.  So we did what they commanded and put a new bed, 3'x'50, along the south side of the garden. They seem satisfied. 
The box is on the left outside the garden fence (not up yet)

Mary Washington Asparagus from seed
Belle plants herbs in whatever corner of the garden she can find. For a while now, she's been bugging me to make an herb garden for her. I admit, I haven't been that interested. Who wants sprigs? Show me the watermelon! I need  weight value. My logic must not make much sense, because Belle's been persistent. I finally got to it. On Saturday I build a corner box, about 5 feet across at the top, just outside the kitchen door. It's a good start.
Speaking of melons, Belle planted watermelon, banana melon, honeydew and cantaloupe outside yesterday. It's too early, but they were outgrowing their space inside. We're mitigating the problem with Cozy Coats. So far they seem happy in their new home.
The real joy of the week has been planting Redventure celery. We've never grown celery in our garden. This variety is doing very well so far. We're hoping for lots of celery this summer. Belle will freeze it and put it in soup this winter.
One of 30 or 40 celery plants that went out this week.


  1. Homegrown celery is a real treat--so much more flavorful than storebought. The key is keeping it evenly moist and LOTS of compost. Good luck!

    1. We've got the compost covered. Will keep the watering in mind. Thanks for the help.

  2. Looking good - you've been very busy :) Well done!

    1. Thanks Dani. You too! Happy settling in to your new home!

  3. Redventure is a great celery for cooking. I didn't like it fresh, but then I very rarely eat celery fresh. But though the taste is a bit overwhelming when fresh, for cooking it is perfect.

    1. Good to know. For now, we're hoping it lives. We'll have to see if we can enjoy it fresh after that. If not, the freezer will be perfect.

  4. It looks like things are hopping as Spring Garden Acre! I'm sure you will appreciate those fresh and dried herbs once they get growing.

    I've never grown that variety of celery. I have only grown Golden Self Blanching. It was the first I tried and since I had great success with it, I have stuck with it.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Belle planted herbs tonight! I've not heard of Golden Self Blanching. If this doesn't work out, we'll have to give it that one a try.

  5. Nice to see new additions to the garden. ;) (in my mind....we don't get bigger homes because we have children, we get bigger plots because we need more mini farm space!)

    1. There is a good bit of space yet to be filled. We're hoping this little acre will be sufficient. If not, who knows what could be next?

    2. An Acre is big enough to certainly grow enough yearly calories for one vegetarian (4000sf) and could feed another or two. :) If Im correct, an acre is some 40,000SF. It just falls in how you plan it out and whether you are vegetarian. lol.

      This is all according to John Jeavon's research. I think an omni is something near 16000SF.

      Whichever it was. It was strikingly different between the dietary choices.

      :) The broccoli is impressing me. Especially the east garden with the morning sun planted out in february. So healthy and big.

      I have to pieace together all these video clips I took this morning afterwork (working 3rd shift) together for a garden video idea I have brewing....

  6. Very nice investments in your garden space. The asparagus bed is impressive and the herb garden is a much needed addition even though you may not measure it in the same way :)

  7. How wonderful that you have that asparagus bed! I love it in spring meals. Celery unfortunately is one thing that did not grow for me this year :(

    1. This is our first year. It seems so daunting, but has been very easy so far.

  8. Every time I read your blog, I laugh. We are always in the same boat! We started asparagus and artichokes from seed this year, and when it came time to plant them, we just scratched our heads. We did not have any plan about where to put them!

    I am glad that you put in a spot for some the 'sprigs.' I mean, c'mon, a girl has to have her herbs! :)

    1. Yes, that's what my thick head has finally figured out, "a girl has to have her herbs!"

  9. I have been afraid to use any of our small amount of space for a total unknown like celery, so I'm really excited to follow yours this year! Hopefully it turns out well so we can try it next season...

    1. Celery has been amazingly forgiving. It's grown well inside under lights. We upset root by dividing plants in the same cells, and they still transplanted well. We're thinking the key in the garden will be careful attention to watering. We'll see.

  10. 30 asparagus plants very impressive!! Summertime at your place sounds great with all those melons,YUM.
    Good luck with your celery, one veggie i'm yet to try growing.
    Love the little herb bed.

    1. This year we went with mostly heritage variety melons. Hopefully we'll have a good crop again!

  11. I'm growing celery for the first time this year too. Mine's a green variety. I'm thinking it will be nice to have in the freezer. And I have definitely grown things without knowing exactly what I will do with them!

  12. New beds invariably are created based on need rather than some formal plan. I have been toying with creating a small herb bed somewhere myself. Not sure where that would be though as my garden is occupying all the areas that really get adequate sun.

    Belle's herb garden is quite nice and having it near the house is a blessing because I never harvest herbs like I do other crops... rather I just pop out while cooking and snip what I need.
