Monday, June 3, 2013

Harvest Monday

We came back from vacation last night, and boy did we return to a big harvest. Thank you Avery. You did a stellar job keeping the garden and harvesting things while we were away!

We've started gathering sugar snap peas. The strawberries are coming in strong, but they are very small. We're going to tear the bed up and replant this fall. We have more lettuce than we know what to do with. Before we went on vacation our boys were selling it to anyone who was interested. They'll try their hand again at selling more tomorrow. Anybody interested in organic baby green/red/romaine leaf lettuce? They're 3 dollars for twelve ounces. It's a steal! Sorry we don't deliver.

12 oz bags of lettuce for sale!
9 lbs of tiny strawberries. Belle's planning to make jam.

Over the last couple of weeks we've harvested the following weight totals:

Lettuce 3 lb 2 oz
Peas 9 oz
Spinach 2 lb 7 oz
Strawberries 21 lb 9 oz

What's growing in your garden today?


  1. Welcome home and I'm sure you'll be enjoying tasty greens and good harvests :)

  2. Lettuce sounds good but PA is one state too far away to go. Gas prices and all that.

    1. I told C. James what you said and he answered, "Let's send it!"

  3. That's very good harvest after holiday! ;)

    1. Yea, we were very happy to come home to it.

  4. Wow that is a lot of strawberries. I hope I get enough to make several batches of jam. But right now I'm just eating them. I really ought to start saving them if I want to make jam.

    1. They've been a pain to harvest, let me tell you. I'm looking forward to planting a new batch of young plants this fall. That's for sure.

  5. Wow that's a lot of strawberries! I've harvested about 7 lbs so far

    1. Our berries are June bearing. We only harvest for about 3 weeks and then it's all over.
